
How to sign in to PUBLISH link with PUBLISH iD

20 June 2023

The way you sign in to PUBLISH link is dertemined by the login method you chose when you initially signed up for a PUBLISH link account. In this post, we explain how to sign in to PUBLISH link by PUBLISH iD from both the web and on mobile. Therefore, the information contained in this article will be of interest to existing PUBLISH link users who chose PUBLISH iD as their preferred login method.

Signing in from the web

  1. Visit https://www.publish.link/login and click the PUBLISH iD icon button. Alternatively, click the PUBLISH link embed on any PUBLISH link-affiliated news website and click the PUBLISH iD로 로그인 (sign in by PUBLISH iD) button.
    Option 1: Sign in via PUBLISH link
    Option 1: Then scan the QR code
    Option 2: Sign in via the PUBLISH link embed on any PUBLISH link-affiliated news website
    Option 2: Then scan the QR code
  2. Scan the QR code using your mobile camera. Alternatively, open the PUBLISH iD mobile app and tap the scan icon button.
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - (home) screen
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - QR code scanner
  3. Make sure the 아래의 내용에 동의합니다 (I agree to the below terms) checkbox is selected and tap the 로그인하기 (sign in) button.
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - 로그인 요청 (sign-in request) screen
  4. Authenticate the sign-in request using your password, fingerprint recognition, or face recognition.
  5. Tap the 닫기 (close) button to confirm a successful sign-in attempt.
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - 로그인 완료 (sign-in confirmation) screen
  6. Go back to the webpage with the QR code you previously scanned and click the 확인 (confirm) button to complete the signing in process. Depending on the way you signed in in step 1, you will be automatically redirected to your personal PUBLISH link account dashboard or the news article you signed in from.
    PUBLISH link - Sign-in page

Signing in on mobile

  1. Visit any PUBLISH link-affiliated news website, open a news article, and tap the PUBLISH link embed.
    PUBLISH link embed on PUBLISH link-affiliated news website
  2. Tap the PUBLISH iD로 로그인 (sign in by PUBLISH iD) button, which will automatically open the PUBLISH iD app.
    PUBLISH link embed on PUBLISH link-affiliated news website
  3. Make sure the 아래의 내용에 동의합니다 (I agree to the below terms) checkbox is selected and tap the 로그인하기 (sign in) button.
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - 로그인 완료 (sign-in confirmation) screen
  4. Tap the 닫기 (close) button to confirm a successful sign-in attempt.
    PUBLISH iD mobile app - 로그인 완료 (sign-in confirmation) screen
  5. Authenticate the sign-in request using your password, fingerprint recognition, or face recognition. Then tap the 닫기 (close) button. You will be automatically redirected to the news article you signed in from.
    Option 1: Sign in using your password
    Option 2: Sign in using fingerprint recognition
  6. You will be automatically redirected to the PUBLISH link-affiliated news website you signed in from. Then click the 확인 (confirm) button.
    PUBLISH link embed on PUBLISH link-affiliated news website
  7. Congratulations! You are successfully signed in. When signed in, the PUBLISH link embed will display your token rewards in real time.
    PUBLISH link embed on PUBLISH link-affiliated news website